Monday, August 29, 2011

From exactly in the middle of nowhere!

Sniff…. Sniff…..[from exactly in the middle of nowhere]
One thing we know without doubt: These days, all three of us onboard are keen for news from friends. So, though it's not completely true we are just sitting about waiting for emails, it's practically true!
Now, we know it's a sure thing that all of you out there have a lot more to do with your time than we do on the good ship Conversations, with our long passage and all to Rodriguez. We know it's not your duty as friends to entertain us either, especially with your full lives of work and family (and your other friends who have not deserted you). We know that while we spend our time in the plain routines of keeping watch, sleeping, reading, cooking, keeping watch, sleeping, reading, cooking etc., day after unbroken day, as an endless, unchanging horizon stretches to flatness in every direction….. [sigh] ….that your lives are full of wonderful places to go, people to see, and deadlines to meet. Yup it's a wonder we get any email at all.
And, we know, as a matter of fact, it's probably our fault that we spend every dusk and dawn bending over our ham radio twiddling dials to no apparent purpose. Clearly it is our just desserts: For all our boasting about all the nice places we have been to lately and all the fun we have been having. Heck if I were in your shoes, I'd probably just hit "delete" every time I saw another friendly damn email from the tropics!
But I know you are bigger people than I. I know you are not taken as I am by petty jealousy and downright self centeredness and do not let your busy lives, like I do, divert my attention from my friends and get lost in the jet stream of modern living. Not you guys!

So please, if you can spare even a few moments, email us at sea by putting "/winlink" at the start of the subject line and (we think) your welcome news will slip through the spam filters and into our inbox. Address:
Radio Operators are standing by!
(with apologies to m Judy and Michael Aschner, who email for email, outnumber even our weather bulletins)

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