Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wanda Chmielowicz

It is with sadness that we say good bye to Wanda, Irena's sister.
Late January, after struggling with cancer, Wanda passed away
in the company of her three sisters, Irena, Barb, Helen, her daughter Anastasia and her mother Alina in Winnipeg, Canada.
We were blessed by Wanda and we are glad to have the memories of her aboard Conversations this past summer.

Good bye sweet Wanda.
We miss you.
Irena, Wanda, ?, Helen, Barb
Wanda with daughter Anastasia at the helm
Helen, Barb, Irena, Wanda

1 comment:

  1. Hi Irena and Barb. You are full of life you two! And what a way to see Wanda through. Great inspiration for making this journey have meaning. I want to cross paths and absorb a bit more of you. Blessings to you in this time of passing. ~~nancy
