Thursday, August 7, 2008

The beginning of the end...and a new beginning...

And so it is, that we make our last miles into Hawaii. Our extended happy hour this evening was interrupted by a squall, with an approach like I have never seen. The sky in front of us was clear blue and the sun starting to set in the west. the sky behind us (and rapidly approaching) was dark grey and low to the horizon. Through the grey though, was a magnificent rainbow that stretched across the entire eastern part of the sky. At first we could only see one half, then more and more until we witnessed
the full rainbow, both ends dipping into the sea. Just beautiful. As the storm approached, we cleared the cockpit, except for those on watch duty and waited for it to pass. In less than 30 minutes, the rain stopped as most of the cloud passed to the south of us.

Dinner and some singing awaits us now, as we continue to celebrate our good fortune, fair winds and just generally our faith in one another and life. From my favourite Joseph Campbell poem "The Hero's Journey" - here is the last lines...

A bit of advice given to a young Native American at the time of his initiation:

"As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm.


It is not as wide as you think."


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